God’s Word for Today - 08 Feb 2024
Psalm 9:17 KJV — The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 08 Feb 2024
The divine verdict on the enemies of Christ cannot be more succinct than today’s scripture puts it. All those who reject Jehovah shall at the end be condemned to the lake burning with brimstone and fire for all of eternity, without parole. Some comfort themselves with the delusion that hell is just a metaphor and I say that is a very horrible metaphor that nobody should look forward to experiencing. But those who know Jehovah know that He does not mince words. You don’t need any interpreter to make God’s pronouncements plain to you. Those who revel in evil and all who prefer to worship creatures that they have deified by themselves will end up in hell unless they repent and change course. You can do this while you still have Jehovah’s breath in you. What will it be?
Pray: O Lord God, I have been on the wrong side of the fence, please forgive me and guide me into Your fold. #Mok