God’s Word for Today - 28 Nov 2023
Acts 4:33 KJV — And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 28 Nov 2023
When Jesus completed His mission on earth of reconciling humans to God, He commissioned His followers to continue in the business of reconciliation until His return to gather them home to Himself. He endowed them with limitless grace and power by giving them the Holy Spirit to dwell in them and guide them in all things for the glory of the Father and the good of His kingdom. The early Church turned the world upside down, impacting people and cultures in ways never seen before, and souls were saved. God's mission continues unabated today in spite of bitter opposition from the forces of darkness. People continue to be won to Christ as Jehovah's light and love shines through His followers setting people free from all forms of satanic bondages. What are you doing with your own grace from God?
Pray: Thank You Lord for Your great love that overcomes and confers peace on Your children. #Mok