God’s Word for Today - 30 Dec 2024
Luke 11:52 (KJV): Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.
Reflection on God’s Word for Today - 30 Dec 2024
There are many usurpers in churches today who are there with the sole purpose of hindering people from getting to know God and develop an intimate relationship with Jehovah. They do all they can to get into leadership positions to control the run of affairs and dictate the content of what teaching the congregation is exposed to. Such have sold themselves as instruments for satanic deployment to the detriment of their souls and are happy to be stumbling blocks in the way of those seeking Christ’s salvation. You must not associate with such people, rather you must contend with them for the faith and help people come to the knowledge of Jehovah the only true God. Expose them for who they are, do not spare them.
Pray: Faithful God, give me boldness and courage to confront and expose the satanic agents leading people astray. #Mok